November 30, 2014

My Birthday/Thanksgiving Adventure (a guest post by Anna)

   Hi, everyone!   As you may know, my birthday was Thursday.   Anna Catherine and I went to visit both sides of the family for Thanksgiving!   Here are some pictures of my adventure.

First stop, Anna Catherine's grandparents on her dad's side!   Look
at this beautiful tree!

I couldn't resist climbing up one of the trees.   ☺

Anna Catherine's cousin let me ride on her bike!

So much fun!

Anna Catherine's grandfather has a tractor!   Whee!

So much fun!

I took a little rest on some logs.   *yawn*

I'm having such a good time!

Next, to Anna Catherine's aunts house for thanksgiving lunch!   Can you
see the big fishing pond behind me?

Lunch was great!!   I was a bit small for the
chairs, though.   ☺

Next, Anna Catherine's grandparents on her mother's
side!  Whoo-hoo!   Anna Catherine calls their house Narnia,
because it reminds her of it!

Again, the chairs are very big.   ☺

Pretty flowers.   ☺

A wheelbarrow full of pretty flowers!

Walking around the garden...


Look!   A little water pump my size!

Remember that "pond" that we always see when
we come to Narnia?   It was all dry today!   (You
can see a picture of it all filled up here.)

Climb, climb, climb...

Kumquats!   Have you ever had one?   It's an itty-bitty citrus.

Look at the big leaves behind me!

The sun is so beautiful!

Grace insisted on one good picture without
my jacket on.   I finally agreed, but it was so cold!

Basketballs!   Too bad Merida wasn't here, she loves to play that
sport.   Maybe next time!

Bricks are fun things to take pictures in front of!

Inside at last, nice and warm!

Anna Catherine's grandmother had her tree all lit up!  
(Fun fact: Anna Catherine's grandmother keeps her tree up
all year round!   It's usually decorated to match
the month it is.)

Mmm-mmm!   Food time!

 The next day (Black Friday,) Anna Catherine and I went
shopping.   Our Generation at Target had a 
BOGO 50% off sale!   I got an Our Generation doll!

 Her name is Kendra.   (And if you're
wondering what the other thing we got was,
you'll have to wait!   It's a surprise for Christmas.)

   I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving too!

Warm Hugs and Chocolate,
Anna Rose

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