November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014!

It's Thanksgiving!   ☺

Today's also Anna's birthday!   Since she and Anna Catherine were going
to visit Anna Catherine's family today, we let her open her presents early
this morning.   This is her first present: a panda hat!   ☺

She also got a pretty Princess Anna crown...

and a Hello Kitty luggage tag!

Warm goodbye hugs from Elsa!

Tiana and Punzie worked hard in the kitchen all day to make
our special meal.

The rest of us cleaned up the house...

Except for Merida, who was banished outside
for breaking one too many dishes.   Look at that
mischievous face!

"It's finally ready!" called Punzie.

We all gathered around the table.   After we prayed for our meal,
 I said, "Let's all say what we're most thankful for today."

"I'm thankful for my new family and for good food!"
said Tiana.

"I'm thankful for books and cookies and a clean house!"
said Punzie.

"I'm thankful for me crossbow and for me Ugly Doll, Ket,"
said Merida.

"I'm thankful for Anna and the puppies and the cold,"
said Elsa.

"And I'm thankful for all of you!" I replied.

After we were all full, we watched the puppies play in the leaves
before the sun set.

   I love Thanksgiving!   What's your favorite part of this holiday?

May all of your dreams come true,
Cindy Rose

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