December 20, 2016

We're on Instagram!

Hi, everyone! I was kind of sad when I quit the blog. I kept thinking of new ways I could use my creativity and keep sharing our adventures! That's when it hit me: an Instagram! Fortunately for Anna Catherine, this will take a LOT less work than keeping up a blog! We'll try to post lots for you, and I can't wait to see what this new journey has in store for us! Follow us here: If any of you guys have an Instagram for your dolls, please let us know in the comments and we'll follow you! Love you guys! Bye!

December 2, 2016


I'm sad to say that this blog has finally reached its end. This is a very hard decision for me to make, as I have been blogging here for almost three years. However, my life has recently gotten a lot busier. I've been accepted to a university that I really like, and right now, my main goal is getting accepted into their school of music and finding the funds to make going there possible. I've already backed out of several things to make time for school and choir this year, and if I go to this college anyways, blogging will be impossible. I won't be home and it's hard to make room for eleven dolls in a dorm. Even if I don't end up going to this school, I know college in general will have me bogged down with everything.
I'm not sure what comes next for my dolls. I still love crafting for them and playing with them. I know, however, that if I make myself keep blogging here the more important aspects of my life will suffer. Besides, making original content is getting harder and harder. I love the blog posts where I bring my dolls on trips, but creating such posts is difficult and make my experience less enjoyable. There's a trip coming up next year that I'd LOVE to take one of the dolls on, but I know that if I do I won't enjoy the trip as much. Crafting posts also take a lot of time. Birthday and holiday posts not only take a lot of research as to what theme the party is to be, but also take a lot of my personal funds for my doll's "birthday presents."
I really love blogging, truly. It's just become another thing on a long list of things to do. I'm so busy and stressed that I know that my personal life will suffer if I continue. I think this decision is for the best. The blog will still be available for everyone to see. All our old crafts and photoshoots will still be available, but I won't be posting anything new. I really enjoyed blogging, and I'm so grateful for all of the new friends I met along the way!

-Anna Catherine

November 30, 2016

Anna's Sleepover Birthday Party

It was Anna's birthday on Sunday! 

She had a sleepover with Elsa and Anna in my room!

Anna's favorite things are presents! Her first gift is a new teddy!

Next, she got a box full of goodies!

She got a Hello Kitty cupcake tin...

...a Disney Princess camera... sunglasses...

...a new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste...

...nail polish... eye mask...

...and a pretty new backpack to keep everything in!

Next she got...a blanket?

Wait, it's a sleeping bag! Wow!

These silly girlies stayed up super late, eating cookies and giggling about the movies they watched.

I made sure that they got at least a few hours of sleep, though! ☺

Happy birthday, my sweet Anna! ☺

May all of your dreams come true! ~Cindy Rose