March 21, 2016

Bedhead Curls (a guest post by Rory)

     Hi, everyone!   While Cindy's not feeling the best, I decided to show you all one of my favorite ways to do my hair!

After taking my hair out of maiden braids, my hair was a mess!

I decided to give it a wash...

...and a Downy dunk!

After this, I let it dry for a little bit.   It was still pretty wet!

I started out by brushing my hair until there were no tangles left.

To keep my hair shiny and strong, I use leave-in conditioner and body spray to smooth it out.

Next, I separated the hair into two halves.

I separated each half in half like this.

Then, I french-braided each section.

Sleepy time!

Time to wake up!

Here's what it looked like when I took the braids out.   (Also, I look a LOT like Mirriam Neal in this picture and I'm not sure if I'm amused or scared.)


I braided my bangs to get them out of my face.

That's all!   I love my curls.   ♥


  1. Your hair is so pretty!:) I love these kinds of posts!:)

    1. Thank you! When Cindy's better, we hope to have lots more hair posts for the blog! ☺ ~Rory

  2. That hair style actually reminds me of Lady Galadriel from lord of the rings (If you have seen it)


    1. I have seen it! I think Galadriel's hair is a bit lighter. I definitely see the resemblance, though! ~Cindy

  3. ps. she also looks like Mirriam Neal

    1. That's what I thought, too! Mirriam's a great friend of Anna Catherine's. She told Mirriam about it and Mirriam thought it was absolutely hilarious! ☺ ~Cindy
