November 22, 2014

How to Redeem a Monster High Happy Meal Toy: a guest post by Punzie

   hello, everyone!   it's me, punzie!   today, i'm going to show you how to "fix," so to speak, a monster high happy meal toy that i got earlier this year.

this is the toy.   it's a little container with stickers, paper, and a
pink pencil.

i had some pretty cupcake duct tape i decided to
use for this project.   the purple on it matches almost

i covered the picture of the monsters with this duct tape.   i had
to use two layers because it was off brand duct tape and very thin.

i also had some stickers with disney movie covers on them from
the mail.

i cut off the numbers from the stickers and put them over the
"ugly" picture, then used some of the stickers from the toy to cover
up the other part i wasn't too fond of.

since it was october, i put some pretty pink ribbon
stickers on the bottom to cover the monster high logo.

i still liked the pretty pink color of the pencil, so i kept it.   i use
this as my recipe box now.

i'm very fond of it!

♥ love from punzie ♥

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