October 31, 2014

It's Halloween!

   Hello, everyone!   Sorry I haven't been posting lately.   I'm trying to recover from getting back into schedules still!
   Anyways, we Roses usually don't celebrate Halloween, but today, we just had to get in on the dress up fun!   We love to pretend to be someone else!

I was a retro (or vintage) girl.

Punzie was Princess Leia.

Meri was a pioneer.

Elsa was Aurora from Maleficent.

Anna was the Great Pumpkin!

All of us together!

   After getting dressed up, Anna decided to go outside and and I took some pictures!    Here are some of them:

A spooky looking tree!

Leaves are fun to play in!


Into the woods...

We found toadstools!

Fall is the best!

It's raining leaves!

A pomegranate on our tree!   How beautiful!

"What's wrong, Kitty?"

Kitty was Grumpy Cat for Halloween!   ☺

   That night, Anna graciously allowed us sisters to stay inside while she kept watch for trick-or-treaters.   If you had come to our house, you would have seen this welcoming you!

When no one came after a few hours of standing outside, Anna came back inside.   We ate the candy we were going to share had anyone come and watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on my laptop in Anna's honor.   ☺

   We had lots of fun dressing up and taking pictures!   While I don't exactly agree with all of the Halloween celebrations, I do like having fun with my family on this holiday!    What did you do for Halloween?

May all of your dreams come true,
Cindy Rose

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