October 15, 2014

Estuary Day (a guest post by Anna)

   Hi, everyone!   It's me, Anna!   A while ago, I went on a field trip to the estuary, the place where the river meets the sea.   I learned so many cool things!   ☺

Here's me at the touch tanks.   I got to hold some cool sea creatures, like
horseshoe crabs and sea stars!

Look at this lovely pelican!   Her name was Doofy.   She was very friendly!

Ahh!    A bear!   Just kidding, it's just it's skin.   ☺

I got to sit on it!

Don't eat me, Lady Elinor!   ☺

Snack break!

You can't see it because of how bright it is outside, but the ocean was behind me!

Look at this sea urchin with shells on it!   Very pretty!

BIG alligator skull!    Eek!

Phew!   I need a break from all this walking around!

Ridin' a turtle.   ☺

Look at all the butterflies in this picture!

REAL LIFE TURTLE.   I called him Squirt and we became best friends.   ☺

In front of the turtle tanks!

Look at this pretty pink shell!

I wonder if this is what Ariel has with her tea...   ☺

   I had such a good time at the estuary!   I want to go again one day!

Warm Hugs and Chocolate,
Anna Rose

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