April 29, 2016

Great Doll Blog Award

MyLittleMegara from In A World of My Own nominated me for the Great Doll Blog award!   Thanks, Meg!


Thank the person who awarded you.
Answer their questions.
Nominate at least 5 other doll blogs you love.
Notify them they have an award.
Leave them at least 5 questions to answer.

My Answers to MyLittleMegara's Questions:

1. How long have you been blogging?

I've been blogging for over two years!

2. What is your favorite post that you've written/ photographed?

3. What is your favorite historical American Girl (if you have one)?

My favorite historical American Girl is Kirsten!

4. If you could take pictures of your dolls anywhere, where would you go? 

Anna Catherine already takes us almost everywhere, but I'd love to visit school with her!

5. What do you see in your blog's future?

When Anna Catherine is old enough, I'd love to have ads added to the blog so that I can make some money for doing the thing I love to do.   ☺

I nominate all of my readers! Post a link to your award post in the comments and I will put it on this post!