March 13, 2016

Bad news!

     First of all, Cindy apologizes for not posting for a while!   She's been busy with school and chores.
     Unfortunately, she won't be posting for a while.   Today, without, warning, her head fell off.   You might think I'm joking, but here's some pictures of her:

     The only way I've seen online to fix her at home would require parts I would have to purchase and skills I don't have.   I've contacted the Disney Store, but I'm not sure if they can help because I've had Cindy for almost three years.   Their official return policy only allows thirty days between the purchase and the return.   For now, Cindy will be resting until we've figured out what to do.   I can try to make some posts, but I too am very busy with school at the moment.   The sisters may decide to come up with something!    I'll be sure to update you if anything happens with Cindy's situation. -Anna Catherine

A note from Cindy:
Hi, everyone!  I'm so sorry for not posting for such a long time.   At the moment, it seems that I will be taking a long break from the blog.   I'm very fragile at the moment and can't seem to do much of anything.   I'll try to pop in with a note now and then.   My sisters and Anna Catherine are being so sweet and taking such good care of me.   I hope to be back very soon with more posts!   I'll miss you all!


  1. Oh no!! I hope you figure out how to fix Cindy! You could try some kind of glue, I don't know.. :/

    -Clara <3

    1. Glue would probably make it to where she couldn't turn her head. Thanks, though!

  2. Oh, gosh, that's terrible and so sad! I hope that you can somehow fix her!:(

  3. Oh my goodness! That's horrible! would you be able to send her to the american girl doll hospital? I really hope she gets fixed!
    Tell Cindy I said "Get well soon!"

    1. No, the American Girl Hospital is only for American Girls, Bitty Twins, and Bitty Babies. I'll tell her, thank you!

  4. Maybe there is a little thing in her head and a hole in her neck maybe if you turned it around into the hole (Like a screw going into a hole)
    Hope this helps

    1. Also you could ask disney how to stick Cindy's head back on if possible

    2. And heres a third idea , Search for ways to stick disney animator's head back on. I hope someone has something on youtube or something. And I hope you get well soon Cindy. (Also maybe you should ask disney to make a doll hospital for disney animator dolls)

    3. Unfortunately, the joint that keeps her head in place is completely broken in two. I would have to purchase another one in order to fix her, but installing it is a painstaking process that can easily go wrong. I don't want to break her even more. Thanks, though!

  5. Oh, no!! I'm so sorry!! Do you think you'll be able to put her head on the new body?

    1. I don't think so. Even with head replacements I've seen online, they always end up breaking that head joint and replacing it with something else. I'm going to have to get a whole new doll.

    2. It's okay. The old Cindy was getting a bit worn, anyways. ☺

  6. hi, so this same thing happened to me, were you ever able to figure out how to fix it? please and thank yoU!!!!
