November 11, 2015

The Awesome Food Award

Nikki from Dolls Are Best Friends Always has nominated me for the Awesome Food Award!   Thanks, Nikki!


1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Answer the 10 questions asked.
3. Come up with 10 more questions. (They must be food related!)
4. Nominate others to do the challenge.

My Answers:

1. What's you favorite kind of foreign food? (Italian, Indian, Chinese, etc.)
French food!   I especially love macaroons and croissants.

2. What's your favorite desert?   

Angel Food Cake.

3. Do you like fruit?   

Yes!  My favorite fruits are blueberries and strawberries.

4. Are you allergic to any kinds of food?   

Not that I know of, but I get sick if I eat greasy food.

5. Chocolate cake or plain vanilla cake?   

Plain vanilla cake.

6. Do you like cheese?   

Bleh, no!   Most of my sisters do, but I can't stand it!   I do like queso dip, though.

7. What's your favorite kind of candy?   

Chocolate truffles.

8. Beef, chicken, or pork?   


9. Do you like shellfish? (Yuck!:P)   

I LOVE shellfish!   I'll eat oysters, crab, lobster, shrimp, you name it!

10. Do you like foods with a lot of herbs, or not?   

I love herbs on my food, especially basil.

My Questions:

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

2. Do you like pumpkin flavored food?

3. What is your favorite kind of chocolate?

4. What is your favorite kind of seafood?

5. What is your favorite Southern-style food?

6. What is your favorite kind of soup?

7. Have you ever eaten something unusual to most people? What was it like?

8. What is your favorite breakfast food?

9. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

10. What's your favorite way to eat apples?

I nominate all of my readers!   Post a link to your response post in the comments and I'll put it on this post!



  1. I'll be doing this award! It looks really fun! :D

    1. OK, it's up!

    2. Cool! I put the link onto this post! ~Cindy
