November 9, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

     I was awarded by Clara from Clara's Craft Corner for this award!   Thanks, Clara!


Answer 10 questions, leave 10 more questions for the next person, and nominate 10 people.

My Answers to Clara's Questions:

1. What are you currently wearing?   
My Auradon Prep uniform.

2. Favorite song?   
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes."

3. Best day of your life?   
The day I arrived at Anna Catherine's house!

4. What do you collect?   

5. Worst day of your life?   
The day I got made.   Factories are terrible!

6. What inspired the name of your blog?   
Disney, of course!

7. WordPress or Blogger?   

8. Mountains, Beach, or someplace in between?   
Anywhere, I love adventuring!

9. Have you ever made an ATC?   
I'm really not quite sure what that is...   Addictive Tasty Cake?   Then, yes.

10. Did you enjoy answering the above questions?   
Sure did!

My Questions for My Nominees:

1. If you could live in any country besides the one you're currently living in, where would you live?

2. What is your favorite kind of dessert?

3. Who is your style icon?

4. What is your favorite subject in school?

5. Pancakes or waffles?

6. What is your favorite ice cream topping?

7. Who is your favorite Disney character?

8. If you could meet any famous person (living or dead), who would you meet?

9. When did you start blogging?

10. Who inspired you to start blogging?

I nominate all of my readers!   Post a link to your response post in the comments and I'll put it on this post!


  1. I enjoyed reading this! You answer to the ATC question was very funny. ;) ATCs are Artist Trading Cards. You can see more about them here:

    1. Oh! They're very neat. I'll have to show these to Punzie!

    2. I bet she'll like them!
