October 7, 2015

The Doll Mag Book Club: Anne of Green Gables, Chapters 31-38

1. What were your thoughts when we found out that Anne got into Queen’s College?
I was so happy for Anne!   Anne is such a bright, intelligent student.   I knew that she would achieve her goal!
2. In this set of chapters, Anne recited a poem for a concert. What did you think of her performance and the crowd’s reactions?Anne was simply fabulous at her recitation!   Anne's talent cannot be denied by anyone, even her critics.   I actually think that her spirit of competition with Gilbert Blythe helped her to perfect her natural gifts.
3. Only a few pages before the end of the book, Marilla and Anne suffer a great loss. How were you effected by this event?
I'm horrible about crying at books, and you can imagine that this turn of events had me a sniveling mess.   My teacher, Miss Valerie, actually had to send me outside during reading time because I was so upset!   Matthew was such a sweet, loving man.   I'm so sad that Anne and Marilla had to get sucked into a whirlwind of one bad event after another!
4. Now that we’ve reached the end of this book, what are your opinions on the overall story and characters?
This story was so real and alive to me.   All of the characters felt so real, just like good friends.   My favorite character was Diana.   She reminds me so much of myself!   I was also glad that Anne and Gilbert made up in the end.   (I even started to ship them a little, but don't tell Anne that.   I'm not sure she'll be so pleased.)   This book will reinstall the imaginative wonder in anyone's mind.   I recommend it to everyone who wants a good classic to delve into (just have some tissues handy!).

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