October 5, 2015

October Updates

     Hi, everyone!   As you know, I put a lot of work into this blog.   I love it when people comment and interact on my posts!   I want lots of people to feel free to chat with me, so I have thought of a new formula to get people interested in interacting!
     Every so often, I will choose one reader (who avidly comments!) to have their very own button on a special page called Avid Participants.   There, the reader's blog(s) will be featured prominently on this special page!   This can give the honored reader more blog visits.
     For this month's Avid Participant, I will be adding MyLittleMegara to the special page!   Meg is an active commenter and doll collector.   She runs four blogs and does a great job with each!   Congrats, Meg!
     If any of you would like to be on this special page, leave comments regularly on my posts!   I want people to participate in my blog, and I think this is a great way to get some more activity.  I would very much appreciate it if you readers would consider adding my blog button to your blog, as well.   If you would like the HTML for my button, ask me for it!   I'd love to see my button around the internet!


  1. Thank you so much! Wow! PS I love the pic you chose. :)

    1. You're welcome! I saw it on your Pinterest and thought it would work perfectly. ☺ ~ Cindy
