September 14, 2015

DIY Doll Decor: Fall Napkin Holder

Hello, readers!   As you can see, autumn has taken over our blog!   With Thanksgiving on its way, napkins are an essential part of anyone's kitchen.   Why not make some fall colored ones for your dolls?   Here's how I made some for our table:

Start out with...Star Wars napkins?

Wait, look at the pretty orange and yellow colors in Darth Vader's silhouette!

Cut the napkin on its creases.   (It doesn't have to be Star Wars themed.   ☺)

Next, fold your sections into fourths!

See?   The silhouette gave a pretty tie-dye effect once they were folded!

 Store your napkins in a cute container.   I used this printable one from Flickr.

What is your favorite fall food?

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