August 12, 2015

The Doll Mag Book Club: Anne of Green Gables, Chapters 14-18

1. In this section, Marilla’s brooch went missing! What did you think of Anne’s “confession” regarding its disappearance? 
I felt so bad that Marilla didn't believe Anne, but I think now Marilla will know better than to jump to conclusions.   Though the ordeal was difficult for the both of them, in the end it made them both better people.   Marilla knows to believe Anne, and Anne knows better than to make up stories.   Anne just didn't know what do do, is all.
2. In this section of chapters, we see Anne’s experiences at school. What are your thoughts on her classmates (particularly Gilbert Blythe! :)) and her interactions with them? 
I don't like Gilbert at all.   He totally got what was coming to him when Anne broke her slate on top of his head!   I haven't anything to do with rude little boys.   I try to avoid them whenever I can!   (One time, a boy called me Cinders and I stuck a tack in his chair.   ☺)   Anna Catherine says that my opinion may change as I go through the book, but I doubt it.
3. The title of the chapter, “Diana Gets Invited to Tea With Tragic Results” seems to sum it up perfectly. What are your thoughts on Anne’s tea party?
I felt so bad for Anne!   I can just imagine what it would be like accidentally intoxicating Kirsten, and I'm sure that her mother would react almost the same as Mrs. Barry.   (Though, Mrs. Lawson might be a bit more forgiving...)   It started out to be such a lovely party, then it was spoiled.  How awful!
4. Anne has been shown to be quite resourceful in situations, like when Diana’s younger sister Minnie May was sick. What are your thoughts on Anne’s rescue? 
It was so fortunate that Anne knew just how to take care of croup!   I was so thankful that Diana had broken the rules and gone to get Anne and Matthew even when she wasn't supposed to.   I've had croup before and it is one of the worst kinds of illnesses that a kid can get, in my opinion!   I'm glad Minnie May's case was cured quickly.

Read the discussion here!

May all of your dreams come true,
Cindy (or Cordelia) Rose

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