January 20, 2015

Winter in Narnia, Part Two (a guest post by Elsa)

It was another cold day in Narnia.   I was helping
Anna Catherine pick up limbs in the yard.

We walked farther out into the woodsy part of the yard to look
for bigger limbs.

I gasped.   "Look over there!" I shouted.

A big, beautiful clearing in the woods.

I took off my coat and my hat and went out to explore.

I found a tiny mushroom!

"Hello, little toadstool!"

I found some pretty little purple flowers!

Anna Catherine put them in my hair for me.

"I feel like Rapunzel from Into the Woods," I giggled.

I took off my shoes, climbed up a tree, and began to sing.

"Ah, ah ah, ah ah!" I sang.

I loved walking barefoot in the flowers.   ♥

Suddenly, I saw a piece of trash.

"It's a Big Hero 6 picture!" I exclaimed.

"I'm going to take this home to Mu.   She loves
that movie!"

Then we had to go back inside.   I didn't want to,
so I climbed a tree and yelled, "I'm up in my tower!"
to pretend like I was Rapunzel.

Anna Catherine grabbed my hand.   "Stay with me," she sang.
We laughed.

After that, I took a nap inside...

...but I dreamed of my day in the woods.

Elsa, princess of ice and snow

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