July 29, 2015

The Doll Mag Book Club: Anne of Green Gables, Chapters 6-13

1. Let’s discuss the people of the story! This installment introduced and/or further developed several characters; what were your thoughts upon meeting them or learning more about them?
I was very excited to meet Diana in this story!   This author has a way of establishing a characters personality in few words, and she definitely did that for Diana.   I can imagine the way Diana laughs every time she speaks, too!   This book has plenty of scope for the imagination.   ;)   I was also glad to see Mrs. Rachel Lynde apologize even as Anne apologized.  I think this encounter changed Mrs. Lynde for the better, and she'll probably be more careful when pointing out someone's faults.   I really liked how there was a short paragraph about Marilla's past.   Marilla was able to sympathize with Anne after the outburst because Marilla had been called out on her homely looks as a child.

2. This set also confirmed Anne’s place at Green Gables. Why do you think that Marilla decided to keep Anne? On a similar note, why do you think Anne is so positive, despite the hardships of her life?
I think that Marilla really sees herself in Anne.   As that short paragraph said, Marilla was a homely child as well and people didn't have a problem in pointing that out.   I think that deep down Marilla has an imaginative and romantic streak in her.   She really does like Anne, secretly.   I think Anne is so positive because she has hope for the future at all times.   She's always imagining the wonderful things that could happen to her.

3. Marilla paints a very different portrait of Anne than Matthew does. Do you agree with Marilla that Anne can be too stubborn and vain for her own good?
Anne can be pretty vain, yes.   Vanity isn't very good for you, after all.   You either despair over your looks or are prideful over them.   Marilla doesn't think that much time should be wasted in despairing over something that probably can't be fixed.   The book says that Marilla was fifty before she got over someone calling her homely!   Marilla probably knows that it was a waste of her time, and she wants to spare Anne the misery.   Marilla is also just as stubborn as Anne, and doesn't think that Anne should be stubborn about things that aren't important.

May all of your dreams come true,
Cindy (or Cordelia) Rose

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