March 5, 2015

Meet My "Princes" (a guest post by Tiana)

  Hi, everybody!   A few weeks ago, I took some pictures of my stuffed animals.   Since our camera is not working, I decided to show you my froggies! 

This is Naveen.   He's very spunky, and he can speak flawless French!   He's a wee bit stuck up, though, so watch out!

This is George.   He's a very friendly frog!   He has a weird habit of eating flowers, though.   Don't let him near your garden!

This is Scrumpy Frog.    He's a puppet!   Punzie sewed his cute little button eyes on for me.   He's a quiet type!

This is Michael.   Anna Catherine gave him to me for Christmas!   He LOVES to sing, but he's not very good at it!

Love and Jambalaya,

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