January 7, 2015

Into the Woods Etsy Finds!

   We Roses love to browse Etsy!   Even though we haven't ever bought anything from the site yet, we know just what shops have the cutest stuff!   Recently, while we were looking, we saw things that reminded  us of the new Disney film, Into the Woods.   We haven't seen it yet, but hopefully soon!   We decided to show you all the outfits we found while we (impatiently) wait.   ☺

This dress from Rabbit In The Moon reminded us of Cinderella's
wedding dress!

This costume from Dolloff's Designs reminded us of Little Red
Riding Hood!

This dress from The Little Red Mama Hen reminded us of something
the Baker's wife might wear!

   Have you seen Into the Woods yet?   What was your favorite part?

May all of your dreams come true,
Cindy Rose


  1. I love Into the Woods! I've seen both the movie and a production of the musical, and both were quite good. Great picks too; I love that dress from Rabbit in the Moon.


    1. I do too! Hopefully, I'll see the film next week. Anna Catherine is doing the play next year at school! ~ Cindy
